Community College (LRCCD)

Geology & Earth Science Instructor: Arthur Reed, P.G.



Happy Fossil Friday!

Friday February 12, 2021





Scaphites equalis coverhamensis

A picture containing invertebrate, mollusk

Description automatically generatedA picture containing invertebrate, arthropod, plant, lobster

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This little shell belongs to Scaphites equalis coverhamensis, a Cretaceous ammonite that was widespread.  This sample was found in Port Awanui, Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand.

This specimen is 103.3 - 95.2 million years old and is part of an assemblage of methane-seep fauna. It is the first record of Cretaceous seep deposits from the Southern Hemisphere.

While seep fauna are geographically widespread throughout the oceans, they are largely restricted to chemical-rich environments created by methane seeps. They live in symbiosis with bacteria which use seep chemical compounds as their energy source. The scale bar is 1 cm.


NOTE: Methane seeps have recently been in the news.  Methane seeps have been a natural part of Earth’s environment at least since the Mesozoic.


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Adapted from GNS Science