Geology 300: Physical Geology

Geology 301: Physical Geology Lab

Geology 305: Earth Science

Geology 306: Earth Science Lab


Instructor: Arthur Reed, P.G.



Google Earth

United States Geological Survey

 SF Bay Area data:

(Google Earth must be installed on your computer)



*    San Francisco Bay Area – Earthquake Related

*    SF liquefaction susceptibility

*    Earthquake probability thru 2031

*    Bay Area urban areas – modern & historic, overlay

*    Bay Area fault and shaking photographs

*    1906 shake map and reports

*    1906 northern rupture tour

*    Distribution of slip, Monterrey to Mendocino

*    Global historic seismograph locations

*    1906 epicenter

*    Bay Area ruptures, various faults

*    San Andreas and Bay Area faults

*    San Andreas major ruptures

*    USGS real-time earthquakes

*    Liquefaction susceptibility (requires checking box & zooming-in)

*    Hillshades (requires checking box & zooming-in)

*    Earthquakes (entire region) (requires checking box & zooming-in)

*    Quaternary faults (requires checking box & zooming-in)

*    Landslides (requires checking box & zooming-in)

*    Geology (requires checking box & zooming-in)

*    Alquist-Priolo faults (requires checking box & zooming-in)





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