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CRC Geology 301

Physical Geology Lab – Home

Summer 2019, TTh 6:00pm-9:10pm



Instructor: Arthur Reed, P.G.



You found it! If you let me know by e-mail before start of the second lab that the picture above was taken in Utah you will get 5 points extra credit.


·      Geology 301 lab SYLLABUS

·      Geology 301 lab LAB TOPIC SCHEDULE

·      Links to STUDY GUIDES, Lab Keys, and Quiz Keys  for quizzes (available as needed)

·      Review instructor’s chapter outlines here 

·      Find reference materials SPECIFIC TO THIS COURSE HERE (HW, pre-lab videos, lab references materials, etc.)

·      Links to PRE-LAB EXERCISES

·      Review GENERAL REFERENCE MATERIALS HERE (includes animations, videos, Google Earth places, extra credit opportunities, etc.)

·      Scores & ASSIGNMENT RECORD BOOK  (NOTE: please let me know immediately if an error is found!)




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Geol 300, Geol 301


Geol 305, Geol 306


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2019 AGI Stats




Geology Glossary

Hydrogeology Glossary

Earth Science Glossary

Mineralogy Glossary

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 SCC City Theater

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What movie?

The “Geologist”