ARC Geol 300, CRC Geol 300: Physical Geology

ARC Geol 301, CRC Geol 300: Physical Geology Lab

Geol 305: Earth Science

Geol 306: Earth Science Lab



Instructor: Arthur Reed, P.G.


Geo Sciences Reference Materials:                        

·       Earth Science & Geology Animations

·       30 GeoScience Video Series

(by Dr. David McConnell and Dr. Jennifer Dixon)

·       Earth Exploration Video Series

(by Dr. Christian Shorey)

·       Short Earth Science videos & Sounds

·       Lectures on Geology and Oceanography topics

·       Google Earth aerial views by subject

·       Scientific Method Overview

·       Metric & decimal conversion help

·       Help determining mineral properties

·       Common uses of mineral resources

·       Mineral Hardness scale

·       Density differences drives most Earth’s processes, see List of
Common Densities


·       Common classifications for:

¨        Soils

¨        Soil horizons

¨        Sedimentary rocks

¨        Igneous rocks

¨        Metamorphic rocks

¨        Minerals


·       Geologic descriptions of common rocks and minerals

·       Common ions

·       Rock identification flow chart

·       Extra credit projects


·       Simplified geologic map of California,  and links to other maps

·       Interesting (and related) articles, papers, and Geologic processes explanations

·       Electromagnetic Spectrum simple version, very complete version, and video. 

·       Radiation explained by clavius.org.  Uranium 238 decay chain

·       Atomic void space explained - video




On a lighter note…

·       Watch the animation made in memorial of a brave and dedicated geologist and explorer.  The explorer’s death was announced by NASA on November 10, 2008.

·       Take a drive in South America on the Bolivian “Road of Death”!